Sunday, August 24, 2008

A Restoration Scrapbook Begins

I call this page, "It's all in the Details." I love so many things about this house. Gingerbread trim, stainglass windows, personality and charm. I think this is going to be a great scrapbook. I hope that you can see the details. If not I will repost these pictures because I just can't believe the work that must have gone in to this porch. I can't wait for the page that hosts a tea party!
On each side of the house there are these windows and arches. The window has small panes of colored glass. We had a light placed in the attic so that at night you can see this often missed detail.
I can't wait to paint the house. I would like your ideas on color choice. Please leave me a comment.
Guess what color I want to paint it?


  1. Hi Becky,
    You are truly blessed to be the keeper of such a beautiful cottage. I can't wait to see it go through all of it's transformations. Lets see...what color would I choose? Various shades of pink of course!
    Have a wonderfully blessed day.
    XO Cori G.

  2. Darn some one beat ne to it, PINK a real soft pink. Oh that would be so pretty.

  3. Oh yes. A soft pink would be lovely.

    I recently read in the paper about a man who is well-known for his consultation work with recreating historic house colors, appropriate to the date and style of the architecture. His website is

    Can't wait to see what color palette you choose!

  4. Becky I must say this is one of THE MOST gorgeous homes I have EVER seen. I'm in awe. You lucky gal!!

    Look as if they put the window in upside down?

    I think pink with all white trim would be lovely. But I'm also a fan of creamy yellow~

    I cannot wait to see on this story unfolds. I hope to visit your B&B one day!

    Love the "Lace and Lures" btw!
