Saturday, February 3, 2018

6 More Weeks of Winter

I found this picture in my Grandmother's scrapbook.  Her name was Blanche and the year 1913.  It was postmarked Anderson, IN.  I would love to know the story behind their friendship or relation.  I found it to be a perfect Victorian picture of Winter.  According to the groundhog we just might have 6 more weeks of enjoying our hats, and coats and boots.  Stay warm my friends. 

1 comment:

  1. I am not thrilled about the Groundhog's prediction, but it certainly makes spring that much sweeter, doesn't it? I love the photo. I recently found boxes of old photos and was left wondering the same thing of people seated next to my mom in the 1930's and 1940's. I wish she were still here so I could ask her...
