In a previous post I showed you this mirror in the bathroom as well as the one below.

The majority voted for this one so I put it back up last weekend. I had brought it back to Tampa and was using it in the Roselake Cottage bath but I got to thinking about your comments and I have to agree I like the square one better. So thanks for your help.

This is probably one of my favorite pictures and I know that it is in a peculiar place but at least it is viewed often. lol
This tiny bathroom is filled with my favorite colors.

I love the chandelier. It is from Ballard Designs.
Do you see that little closet up above? This is where we will store our Christmas decorations but first it needed to be cleaned out. It was really creapy in there.
Dave crawled in it to clean it out. It had old clothes and papers and he was lucky enough to find a box with 2 old fishing lures and 2 pocket knives. A nice reward for him and four bags of stuff for the trashman.

This bathroom is off the Blue Room. I hope to get back to that project soon.
Tomorrow I will be posting about the Dining room
I would love some idea.
Are you game?
Yep, I think the mirror you chose is the best choice. I love the painted buffet and the mirror together.
I can see why that picture is one of your favorites. It's beautiful.
Happy Hump Day
The bathroom looks great!
Oh, WOW, I love your bathroom! That mirror is gorgeous, too, and that Ballard chandelier is perfect.
Hi Becky,
What an adorable powder room! The shower curtain is so pretty!
Perfect mirror and pretty bathroom. The sink dresser is beautiful . and i like the ballon curtains( i think that is what they r called). Love the texure. mishelle
Good morning Becky :)
The bathroom is gorgeous! I would have chosen the square mirror too.
I can wait to see more :)
Hi Becky,
I don't remember which I voted for, but I really like the white one now. That little closet is very intriguing! Dave must have been covered with dust after playing in there.
Can't wait to see the dining room...I thought it was finished.
Oh and your rose painting...ooh la la!
I love this bathroom. I think the white mirror is better too. I actually like the oval but it really looks best with a white one. I hope things are ok with you. You have been an encouragement and blessing and I will be praying for you and thinking of you.
Oh Becky!!! every time I see this Bath, I *GASP*, it is simply one of the prettiest I have ever seen! Im so glad you went with the square mirror too! It really looks gorgeous!! and OMG, I lOVE that pink frame and art work! what a great site!! You did a FAB-U-LOUS job as always sweetie! oh yeah, and that shower curtain is to die for!!
Wishing you a great weekend! Hugs, Cynthia
Hi Becky,
I love the mirror you chose for the bathroom, it looks beautiful!! I wish I could come there and see it in person!
Love your print of the ladies. And your bath looks marvelous Becky !
what a dinky bathroom - yes, good move that mirror certainly looks better and matches the rest of the furniture.
My gran used to moan at my mum for not having her wedding photo on display so she hung in the bathroom!! lol
You have such a pretty bathroom. I love the white mirror, and the chandelier.
Your bathroom is sensational! I really like where you put the pink painting. It is good to have something beautiful to look at.
Your chandelier and light are beautiful, too
Happy New Year!
Everything looks fabulous and I do love the white mirror....I love everything....
Mo :-)
I love where you put that rose picture. THe bathroom is beautiful.
I just love it all...but especially the *roses* picture!
I love the white mirror also! Such a beautiful powder room!
Totally perfect choice for the bathroom mirror...your home is coming along beautifully! ;-) Bo
So pretty. Our kids/guests bathroom is in similar decor. I have a favorite picture in it too, of sheep in a pasture that belonged to my great grandmother.
Happy New Year Becky!
The bathroom is gorgeous. I love the tp stand, lol... did you have trouble finding it? I had to look everwhere for mine!
Your green one is great with the shower curtain. Beautiful chandy!
Can't wait to see more of the blue room. Great inspiration piece. If I had to do it all over, I would have a wedding gown in that style rather than my hoopskirt I wore!
Isn't the dining room the one with the gorgeous ceiling? That's all I can think about!
Hi Becky,
I miss you, where have you been?? I hope your just busy working or shopping!
Hello! Thanks so much for visiting my blog and leaving such a kind comment! Your blog is beautiful and so is your home! Love your pretty powder room!!!
hi becky! GASP GASP GASP! this is beautiful! have you ever submitted photos to romantic homes? lovely!!!
Hi Becky
Thank you stopping by my blog.Your decor is just perfect.I look forward to seeing more.
OMG! the most beautiful bathroom I have ever seen!
M ^..^
Wow... what a lovely post and lovely blog...going to go have a look around at the rest!!
Hi Becky,
I love your bathroom! Love the shower curtain, lace, and distressed wood. Fabulous job!
I love your bathroom! It is beautiful! I hope you don't mind if I copy some of your ideas. I have an old buffet that I would like to use in my bathroom. I love the shower curtain too. Also the sguare mirror. You did great! Come by to see me...you've been tagged.
Hugs,Lee Laurie
Hi Becky , It's all just looking so lovely. I have 2 awards for you - Come over to my blog when you get a chance. Sue
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