In this Pink Bathroom we used an old sideboard and wash bowl for our vanity. The pictures will reflect a few trips.
Which of the two mirrors do you like best?

Now we have the hardware on the vanity.

If you look out the door it leads into the sunroom. Dave pulled up the carpet and I painted the floor. I hope to one day do a faux rug. I have to practice my roses which of course will be pink!

I like the way the mirror captures the other mirror and this is a closer look at the bowl.

I found the old corner cabinet at the longest yard sale. And now to give you a peek at the start of the bedroom. A Pink duvet no less.

A Victorian Cottage Restoration is a little like the energizer just keeps going and going and going. I really think that when it ends I will be sad because watching it change has been so much fun. I wanted to start immediately on the bathrooms. They were in such bad shape. It was like going into a public restroom taking a look around and then you just back out and say nevermind. Bathrooms are very costly so we did just what we could after the plumber discovered leaks all over the place under the house. The house needed to be completely replumbed. Then we fixed the rotten floorboard and placed tile down. It looks like marble with just a hint of pink in it. With each trip I would take something from Tampa. It is hard to decorate with all of your things in another state. But where there is a will there is a way.
These pictures refect several trips with this or that and so you won't really know what it will look like until we are totally moved in. Then
perhaps I can persuade a couple of my blogging buddies to come and help me put the icing on the cake. I have always stayed in rooms at B&B's that were named for someone. So who do you think I should have decorate the rooms? I know there was a blog cabin
but how about a Blog Victorian. I am loving the idea!