Friday, February 4, 2011

Winter Dreams of Spring

   Let me lure you into the garden.   With all of the winter snow that has been blowing I am sure that it won't take too much of a twist to your arm to get you to go with me.  I would even guess that some of you are already experiencing nice fireside moments with stacks of garden books, seed catalogs and magazines by your side and if you are really lucky you might actually drift off to sleep at night with winter dreams of spring.
 Perhaps you have already been to my friend's garden.  As you can see her name is Carolyn Aiken and she has a wonderful blog called Aiken House and Garden.  Carolyn lives on Prince Edward Island and each week she shares some of  the most beautiful photography I think I have ever seen.  Her blog has  become a soothing balm for many of us as we put on the tea kettle and drink deeply from her steady pour of beauty.  She shares her lovely gardens, family, her beautiful home, tea parties and recipes but more than that she has become the sweet face icon that many of us love to see in our comment column as we experience her words of encouragement and kindness.  I heard once that, "One is closer to God in the Garden," and I would have to say that He has certainly rubbed off on my friend!  I am quite certain that He has guided her hands as she assisted Him in creating the wonders of her very own incredible Garden of Eden.
 I love to look at all her mosaic style pictures.  In fact I actually study them.  Some days her blog is my only stop for inspiration.    I think from this collection we can see that she has had a little help in her garden.
This I believe is her husband and  childhood sweetheart.  They say that behind every good man is a woman but I would like to add to that that behind every good woman with a beautiful garden there is a good man with a shovel a strong back!   So, thank you Mr. A.
I hope that you have enjoyed this time in my friend's garden. Go back often, brush off a snow covered bench and breathe in the inspiration of this beautiful place and remember the words to this beautiful song,  "Just remember in the winter far beneath the bitter snow, lies the seed that with the sun's love in the spring becomes the rose."


Lori @ Katies Rose Cottage Designs said...

Oh my gosh I am
sitting here in awe
at the beauty of her
garden ~
Thank you so much for
introducing us to her ~


Carolyn said...

Hi Becky,
You do have a way with words- my head is starting to swell a little!
I am so pleased you enjoy stopping in to visit.
I love both of your quotes as they are so true!
I am very touched by your kindness and hope you enjoy making your own garden this spring.
Thank you for featuring our garden-I am so looking forward to getting out there again. however, we do have over two ft. of snow at the moment.

Take care,


Her gardens are beautiful as is her home! Good to hear from ya (;

Pamela Gordon said...

What a beautiful post of one of my favorite bloggers. She really inspires me in her gardening and decorating style. Thanks for sharing Carolyn with us today and perhaps introducing her to some new readers. Have a blessed weekend. Pamela

NanaDiana said...

I visit her blog every time she is marvelous. Diana

Joyful said...

I've recently come across Carolyn Aiken's blog and I must agree with you. It is a soothing place to stop and one will always find such beauty there. Thanks for sharing her lovely garden with us.

Lottie said...

I have really enjoyed Carolyn's blog for a while now. I also sometimes linger too long at the beautiful pictures of her garden and house!

Elizabeth and Gary said...

Aw, such a sweet post and Carolyn's garden is beautiful! I follow Carolyn.
I love how you ended your post,the words are so true!
Have a sweet day and hugs, Elizabeth

June said...

Hi Becky,
I remember the first time I ever saw Carolyn's blog. I sat for over an hour going back through her archives, savoring every single post. It was before I had a blog and I remember asking Dale to come and sit and look at some of the amamzing things that her husband had built. I don't think I have ever seen a garden as beautiful as hers. My dream is to see it in person some day.
Thank you fo r such a gorgeous post.
sending hugs...

Miss Gracie's House said...

I do love this blog...I don't know how she gets it all done but her gardens/photos/home are just beautiful!
Yes, I am well...and YOU?

Sarah @ Modern Country Style said...

Ooooh, it looks incredible. It's beautiful with all those flowers. I could just sit and stare and stare!


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